TriYoga® Seminars
In 2024
Island of San Pietro, OCTOBER 2 to 8
connect – heal – thrive
with TriYoga – Dance – Ho’oponopono – Bodyrelax – Free Voice
Welcome to our Rejuvenating Retreat on the beautiful Island of San Pietro in Sardinia, Italy.
Enjoy and refresh body mind and spirit by daily practice and visiting magical sites on the island.
Here you will slow down relax and enjoy the tranquility of the mediterranean island.
Far away from your stressful daily life.
Awaken into a new body feeling with TriYoga and Free dance.
Forgiveness rituals and letting go for a deep heart healing.
Free Voice will be the key to take back your power and open up to new soul frequencies.
Together we discover magical power sites and the turquoise blue waters and beautiful beaches and high cliffs.
At “Hotel Paola” you enjoy the heartful hospitality of a local family and the exquisite traditional cuisine.
The stunning ocean view and the colorful village of Carloforte are also part of this adventure.
Do you like to join us?
We are very happy to welcome YOU on the island
Aloha Amira and Anita Nai'a