TriYoga® is the Yoga of trinity
that unites dynamic and sustained postures with breath and focus to create greater flow of prana (life force).
The benefits of TriYoga practice are endless.
A regular practice allows to strengthen your body, bring more
awareness into your breath, clean your mind and let awaken your soul.
The flowing sequences are characterized by rhythmic breathing, wavelike spinal movements, relaxation-in action, and economy of motion.
Prana Vidya includes pranayama (breathing practices), dharana (concentration) and dhyana (meditation). Jnana is yoga wisdom.
TriYoga includes the complete spectrum of yoga practices.
It is taught in 54 countries, with 70 centers, and over 1100 certified teachers.

Kaliji (Kali Ray) is internationally acclaimed yogini and founder of TriYoga. Guided by kriyavati siddhi (kundalini-inspired hatha yoga), Kaliji has systematized asana and pranayama from Basics to Level 7, and over 1000 mudras (hand gestures) have expressed through her.
Yogini Kaliji’s presence, her mastery of the flow and the ageless wisdom inherent in TriYoga have inspired countless people worldwide.
I met Kaliji the first time in Zurich on August 2006 at closure of my Basiscs TY Teacher Training.
Since then a deep soul connection developed that helped me to further grow and improve my TY skills. I feel very lucky to be a direct student of master yogini Kaliji and share the divine flow of TriYoga with my students in Europe and US.
My gratitude to Kaliji for her teachings and her presence on this Planet is expressed in this poem:
Homage to Kaliji ~ on her birthday ~
Nourishing like a Mother on Earth
Watering the Souls of Humanity
Awakening the fire of our Hearts
Letting our spirits fly high like the eagle in the wind …
All in one, we let it shine & flow…